New Britain Bridges
Papua New Guinea
ESC was awarded the scope of work for full steel fabrication works for over coated steel bridge girders for 12 bridges to improve rural access routes in New Britain Highway, West New Britain province. The steel was fabricated in compliance to AS 4100:1998 - Specification for Road and Bridgeworks.
Funded by the Asian Development Bank, the Papua New Guinea Department of Works initiated an important project to the Papua New Guinea economy. The scope of the project was to replace 12 highway bridges to improve the access of the rural New Britain Highway in the West New Britain province in Papua New Guinea. ESC was awarded the project scope by Wildcat Golding Joint Venture.
The steel bridge fabrication components included the complete steel bridge structure, bridge bearings and scuppers. The components were fabricated to Australian Standard AS 4100:1998.
ESC Scope of Supply
Bridge Steel Structure
Corrosion Protection System
1st Intergard 474HS, 2nd Interzinc 22, 3rd Interfine 3399
(Total DFT: 250µm), Surface cleanliness: Sa2.5